10 Reasons Why Linux is Better Than Windows or Mac OS [Linus vs Windows and Mac OS]

There are many reason to like windows, Mac OS or Linux. But Which OS offers more potential for the users in the long run. So, Here are 10 Reasons Why Linux is Better Than Windows or Mac OS.


1. Stable Codebase is far better than Windows or Mac
Although every OS has its bugs Linux users will tell you that Linux is by far the most stable operating system available. Most Linux users are also users of Windows or Mac OS. With that experience Linux does an excellent job at supporting large established platform of hardware and receives frequent and useful updates almost daily. To be sure this can be particularly subjective and most users will defend their choice of system. This is not to say Linux isn't without it's problems. Some third party hardware such as video cards can be down right difficult to install and configure the driver. Once the driver is installed however as always problems are at a minimum.

2. Different Desktop Environments to suit a variety of User needs:
Unlike Window or Mac OS there are different Desktop Environments to choose from that is easily configurable for the end users. Some of the popular desktop environments are Gnome, KDE plasma,  Xfce and Cinnamon. Users can also have more than one desktop environment installed and switched between them at any time. Although windows 10 and Mac OS provide consistent user environments it also lacks any real revolutionary changes. Users are greeted with same interface day in and day out. Examples of LackLuster trivial changes include the flattening of the minimize, maximize and close buttons. Although there are small changes and tweaks the core of Mac OS essentially remained the same to this day. Some may say that the touch bar on Mac OS is an example of recent inoovation but this is a weak attempt to compete the Microsoft's touchscreen interface. Both are the mix of Hardware and Software.

3. Codebase is Open Source
    We already know Linux is free to use and free to obtain but more importantly there is a freedom from surveillance by companies such as Microsoft or Apple. Additionally well established open source applications such as firefox, libreoffice, VLC and many of the other available don't stretch the bounds of user privacy. With the constant erosion of privacy by Windows, Mac OS, IOS and even Android, It's refreshing to know that Linux environment respects user privacy. This isn't to say that there are some Linux distributions that may collect data on the user. It's well known that Ubuntu collects at least some information in conjunction with the Amazon app that is installed. Of course the maker of Ubuntu is a for-profit company and must bring in revenue some how. Ubuntu has brought some amazing changes to Linux community which are freely are freely available for any Linux distribution to use.

4. Ability to work with Linux, UNIX, Mac or Windows file system
Unlike it's competitors Linux can easily read and write to HFS+ or NTFS formatted drives. This is a major time saver when one is transferring files from back and forth from a Linux System to another system. For example Windows will not even see a Linux or Mac OS formatted drive and offer to format the drive with the NTFS when it is plugged in. Mac OS at least can read a Windows formatted Drives so it's possible to get the data from the drive.

5. Linux can be installed on any PC or Mac
Linux is system agnostic and can easily be installed on any hardware platform. Linux can also be installed on arm based systems such as the Raspberry PI making it the universally accepted OS on a variety of hardware but it doesn't stop there. Linux is very capable of installing on a system that already has an OS even if the drive is completely formatted. For example if your Windows system has an NTFS partition across the entire drive, the Linux Installer is able to shrink the partition and install. The user can select the OS to boot from easily at start up.

6. Open Source Application availability
There are plenty of application to choose from in Linux and every category of software is covered from office apps to programming, graphics, internet, multimedia  and games. One can find quality open source apps. Although Linux doesn't boast as many apps as Windows or Mac OS there are literally thousand of application for a wide variety of needs.

7. Easy and Intuitive Updater
 Linux overshadow both Windows and Mac OS with it's powerful and quick update application. Regardless of the distribution Linux is capable of updating apps in real time while a user continues to work without the need of the reboot. There are few packages that requires a reboot such as the Kernel on those rare occasions that do require a reboot the user gets to choose when. Incidentally after the reboot there are no additional steps and the system boots up immediately. Included with bug fixes and enhancements for the OS and apps are security updates. Although the update process can be automated the choice of when and how is fully with in the users control. Users are able to disable individuals packages from being updated or entire repositories. Contrast this with the daily nag screen for Mac OS or the intrusive or arbitrary way that Windows applies updates with little or no input from the user. It's no surprise for windows to take 20 to 30 minutes to install update and then take another to finish updates after rebooting.

8. A large Support Group
 The enthusiasm of Linux Users is apparent. One has only to do a search on the internet and your will quickly find a myriad of help sites and forums with users ready to offer help and support for just about any Linux based topic. YouTube is another best example of Linux support there are thousands of  videos with help on just about any Linux topic. Many times Linux users will write and compile a code fix for the problem while windows or Mac users will have to wait for the company to release an update.

9. Fun to Set Up and Work with
One can create their own custom environment, write their own programs and enhancing existing programs. The ability to tweak and change just about every thing in Linux is reminiscent of the 80s when PC enthusiasts would meet and trade ideas about computers or shareware programs. There never seem to be lack of exciting changes or programs to talk and learn about. Many users enjoyed writing custom batch scripts for Dawson and pushing their 8088 or 8088 computer as far as possible. Indeed the rill your own system was more likely created back then. Today this collaborative and enthusiastic environment is infectious in Linux and us very conducive to the do-it-yourself user.

10. The Future is Transparent
 Although Microsoft and Apple are not likely to disappear anytime soon they do have complete control over their products. They can choose how long a product will be supported and even how it will be available. In the open source community there is a lot of discussion about the difference in software development philosophies known as the cathedral. Eric and Raymond originally wrote about this concept in an essay and later in book published in 1999. On one hand company like Microsoft users the cathedral philosophy meaning all code is closed and produced in house. If the company chooses to no longer support a release a product you can do so on a whim. Users are never aware of the actual source code nor can they gain access to it or edit it. The bazaar philosophy is more of a bottom-up development style meaning that software code is developed by anyone on the internet and is open and transparent for all to see your change. Although distribution may come and go, the core of Linux and it's supporting applications will always be available and developed regardless of the downfall or change of anyone company. Many companies such as google, Microsoft, IBM and others actively participate in the development of Linux and it's well established codebase.

This ensures that Linux will be around for very long and as we have seen will only continue to get better and better.

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